Understanding How To Strengthen Your Pelvic Floor

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If pelvic floors are weak, it can lead to many problems. In women, it can cause a vaginal sensation, back pain, and urinary incontinence as it supports the uterus and vagina. Pregnancy and childbirth are two common causes that lead to the weakening of these muscles. Other reasons include obesity, chronic constipation, and low estrogen levels.

With the Emsella process, you can prevent urinary incontinence and relieve the symptoms of stress and strengthen your pelvic floor muscles. These muscles control the bladder and, together with the urinary sphincter, help control urination. The pelvic floor muscles open and close the urethra and support the bladder when it is tense. Even simple efforts such as walking, standing, or lifting heavy weights can cause urine to leak if they are weakened.

How to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles

The Kegel exercise is where you contract your pelvic floor muscles as if you are trying to stop urination while urinating. Hold for 3-5 seconds, then release. Doing 3 to 4 sets of 10 times a day can help strengthen these muscles, improve stress urinary incontinence, and reduce the risk of urge incontinence.

Talk to your nurse or doctor if you’re unsure if you’re using the right muscles. They can help you determine if you’re tensing your muscles correctly and getting the best results. Many practices incorrectly by mistake and therefore do not get the desired results. It is best to start Kegel exercises lying down. It may take 3-6 weeks to notice an improvement, but if you continue to do 3 or more sets a day, you will find that your pelvic floor muscles are stronger and have less leakage.

Helps target the right muscles. It is a behavioral therapy used to train the pelvic floor muscles with Kegel exercises. It works because the sensors are placed next to the tracked muscles and provide feedback when you contract them or do Kegel exercises. It is helpful because you can see if you are doing your Kegel exercises correctly. Using biofeedback until you feel confident in your ability to train without equipment can help you strengthen the muscles needed to reduce urinary incontinence episodes.


Exercise lying, sitting, and then getting up. Whether you do it yourself, use biofeedback to target specific muscles, or use vaginal weights, doing these strengthening exercises three times a day is important. One of the best things is that while it only takes about five minutes, Kegel exercises can be done anytime, anywhere, as they are inconspicuous.

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